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Duotone photograph shows a man sitting on a park bench and smiling.
During the recent bitter cold 18 unsheltered individuals had a place to stay, three meals, and for those who wished—a chance to meet with a case manager. This was possible because many caring people...
For several years, The Children’s School family has given generously to Housing Forward by packing hundreds of lunches for our clients. They do this because a large part of the school’s philosophy...
When the Student Council at John Greenleaf Whittier School decided to focus their efforts locally this year, they started with Housing Forward. According to Leslie Weiss, one of the student council...
Housing Forward Executive Director Lynda Schueler is honored to be included in The Wednesday Journal's 16 Villagers of the Year for 2020.
Kim and Anthony, two former Forest Park residents, will feel especially grateful this Thanksgiving Day because a year ago they were sleeping in a tent in a secluded part of the village and panhandling for money on the ramps where Harlem crosses I-290. Two weeks ago, they moved into an apartment.
We are an amazing community! The outpouring of support from donors, congregational groups, organizations, and small businesses throughout the COVID crisis has, frankly, stunned us. The unwavering support since March allowed Housing Forward to respond swiftly to keep those experiencing homelessness safe. We are humbled and deeply appreciative of all those who have offered assistance, encouragement, and stepped up to help neighbors who are among the most vulnerable to the coronavirus.
Housing Forward has signed a one-year agreement to use the Write Inn hotel, 211 N. Oak Park Ave., as a 65-room shelter for its homeless clients. Officials say the hotel is not intended for 'long-term stays,' but a shelter to get clients back on their feet. (Steve Schering / Pioneer Press)
Exactly one year ago today, September 5, 2019, Housing Forward unveiled Sojourner House, its next step toward ending homelessness. Based in Oak Park, this interim housing and medical respite program...
CDT, owned by National Express Transit (NEXT), recently delivered a passenger van they have donated to our agency. It is the first vehicle we have ever owned and will greatly lessen our dependence on rental trucks and staff vehicles. We are grateful to Delilah Strickland, a member of our Board of Directors, who generously made this gift possible through her employer.
Imagine moving to a new apartment when everything you own fits in several grocery bags. That is the experience of many of those we’re serving through the Hotel-to-Home Initiative. Since each Hotel-to-Home Kit has a story, we’re sharing how one kit came into being.
As we monitor the ongoing COVID-19 issue, Housing Forward’s goal has been to provide services, while safeguarding the health and welfare of our clients, volunteers and staff. We added a COVID-19 Response webpage as a centralized source of information about our response to COVID-19.
The UPS driver stops regularly at the Weiss’ house in Oak Park. Inside, boxes of donated household items are piled up—filling their living room and spilling out into hallways.