We believe housing is a basic human right and that individuals cannot achieve stability until they are housed first. We are dedicated to making homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring for residents of this community
Our Approach
Ending homelessness means addressing it at all levels, from the onset of housing crisis to its permanent resolution. Our programs are tailored to meet the immediate needs of each person we assist. We prevent homelessness whenever possible, respond to housing crises, and stabilize residents facing homelessness with permanent housing.
See how we work with each person we assist, helping them to transition from housing crisis to housing stability.

Emergency Financial Assistance
Diversion Case Management
Street Outreach
Emergency Shelter
- Medical
- Behavioral Health
Interim Housing
Transitional Housing
Housing Navigation Services
Permanent Supportive Housing
Rapid Re-Housing
Wraparound Services
- After Care Services
- Community Health Nursing
- Behavioral Health
- Employment Services
- Family Support Services
- Financial Literacy
- Legal Clinic
- Medical Clinic