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Duotone photograph shows a man sitting on a park bench and smiling.
Meet Brandon. He was homeless for 12 years, bouncing from shelter to shelter, couch to couch. Brandon struggles with a myriad of health issues, and he is legally blind, which makes it very hard to get — and keep — a job. You may have seen him around town washing windows when the weather allows. Our Outreach & Engagement team met him living on the streets.
The Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County today announced the appointment of Lynda Schueler, Executive Director of West Suburban PADS, to a one-year term as chair of its board of directors.
For the past 22 years, West Suburban PADS has been giving people living on the street a warm, safe place to sleep at night and a hot meal, but that's only a small part of what PADS is doing in 2014.
The emergency shelter program is still central to what PADS is about, but it may surprise readers to learn that only 10 percent of PADS' budget goes to supporting the overnight program. Most of the...
Supporters from all over west Cook County join in the celebration at West Suburban PADS' annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.
West Suburban PADS today announced the appointment of six new members to its Board of Directors and the retirement of six members.
Seven o'clock can't come soon enough when you've been standing outside in the dark, with a 0-degree wind chill -- especially when you have no home.
WGN-TV shares a feel good story about the spirit of giving between Loyola University Medical residents and homeless men and women who turn to West Suburban PADS for help.
As the government's shutdown continues into a third week, Lynda Schueler, West Suburban PADS Executive Director, has a message for the Feds: What goes on upstream is magnified downstream.